Rancho Verde Story: Part 4 – Operating Methodology
Chris and John both felt that it would be critically important that Rancho Verde have a true and enduring sense of community and that this could be encouraged through a robust Homeowners Association. Thus, the Rancho Verde Homeowners Association Inc. (RVHOA) was created as a non-profit association to administer the by-laws which govern Rancho Verde and to own the 245 acres of permanently dedicated Open Space. Since the incorporation of the RVHOA and the commencement of the sale of lots, the RVHOA has held an annual general meeting for all lot owners. Topics of interest and relevant speakers are featured at each of these meetings as well as the ever popular catered dinner. Given the critical nature of water, roads, snow clearing etc, frequent speaking guests include the Chief Operating Officer of the water co-operative, Entranosa Water & Wastewater, as well as the current County Commissioner for the East Mountains. The annual RVHOA cost for Rancho Verde owners is currently set at $76 per year per lot owned. These costs include the administration of the RVHOA, liability insurance, the annual general meeting, entryway maintenance, etc.
Through an app called “Nextdoor”, Rancho Verde residents are able to share real time information on coming events, missing pets, security, weather alerts, etc.